Back in 2013, We Lost The Sea frontman and friend of mine, Chris Torpy, sadly passed away.
I designed a simple tribute website contentlywithgrace.com as an archive of all things Chris – Photos, videos, songs, lyrics, links and a guestbook for friends and family to leave messages.
“Contently, with grace” is a lyric from We Lost The Sea’s song “With Grace” which features on “The Quietest Place On Earth” album.

Throughout the years the website has had slight changes but it has stayed true to the original design. I have maintained this website for a number of years and I act on trying to keep it online for as long as I can.
The latest update was changing the header background to a video I filmed and edited of Chris performing (g)HOST demos. I feel super grateful to have been involved in that video making process. I remember how stoked he was when I first showed him the video – that will stick with me forever.
You’ll be forever missed but remembered Chris.